
What are great questions to ask your interviewer at the end of a job interview? AskReddit

What are great questions to ask your interviewer at the end of a job interview? AskReddit

What are great questions to ask your interviewer at the end of a job interview? AskReddit

What are great questions to ask your interviewer at the end of a job interview? AskReddit

Originally Published Here

"Do employees generally get along well? Do they socialize with each other after work sometimes?"

"Do you like working for this company?"

"How big would my team be?"

"How did you start working here?"

"How is the work/life balance handled?"

"How long has the team been together?"

"How long have you worked here?"

"How much time, on average, would you say the team spends in meetings per week?"

"How often would I be asked to work more than 40 hours per week, or work on weekends?"

"How would you describe morale in your workplace?

“What does the company do to help build morale?"

"I'd like the opportunity to address any hesitations you have about my ability to do the job. Are there any you'd like to share at this time?"

"If I were to start in this position right away, what is the single biggest contribution I could make in the first few weeks?"

"Is there any reason you think I might have difficulty doing this job at the level the company wants?"

"I've seen your mission values, but tell me in your own words what are the goals of this company?"

"What are some of the 'less desirable' characteristics of this position?"

"What are some of the projects you have coming up, and what's the timelines to get them implemented?"

"What are some of you and your colleagues' hobbies outside of work?"

"What do you like about working here?"

"What is an average daily routine for this position?"

"What is the turnover rate here?"

"What opportunities for growth and advancement are there?"

"What was it about my application that interested you enough to invite me to interview?"

"Why are you looking to expand the team here?" this is a good question to base growth or general attitude/health of the current team.

"Why is this position available?"

“Can I see the fridge I will be using so I can size my lunchbox purchase appropriately?”

“Can you tell me about the team that I would be working with?”

“Could you walk me through an average day/week in this position?”

“How is success measured in this position?”

“What do you like about your job?”

“What is the culture like here?”

“What is the culture of the office like?”

“What would a career trajectory or advancement look like in this position?”

“What would success look like in 30/60/90/180 days?”

“What would your employees say about you as a boss?”

“Why is this position open?”

“What are the not obvious qualities that you see in people that make them successful in this role?”